This blog is dedicated to the expression of Creative Ideas, Pure Artistry, Abstract Thought, and of course Humor. It gives me the chance outside of my music to share my travel experiences in depth and my perspective on things I see in the World. Where Did Shevy Go? My guess is somewhere Out The Box... Welcome to

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Monday, March 8, 2010

The following poem I would like to share this evening is taken from Outkast's second album ATLiens and the name of the song is 13th Floor/Growing Old. I was listening to this album this past weekend wondering at what point did songs like this one with such depth began to loose its relevance in the realm of the pop hip-hop culture. By pop, I mean popular because this album sold over 2 million plus copies in the U.S. alone and maybe another million worldwide. There are still shining lights of inspiration that have been around for some years and those that have started to emerge recently which deserve their credit. But Im pretty sure NO one would argue that their has been a huge lose in terms of balance in black music for the past few years.

(This 1st Verse was a poem written & spoken by Big Rube.)
Conceive true deception multiplied a million fold
Visualize the yin and yang in a battle so intense
that we get em confused
The resident evil specialize in misconstruing
We wanna be at a presidential level -- what are we doing?
Foolin ourself, clowning ourself, playing ourself
By not being ourself
We can't babble no more than we can bob our head offbeat
Nimrod by the time we forty cause we can't get our meat
While we ask no reason for the misplacement of the season
look at the picture that's painted
Tainted as the mind who's blinded to the point
where Sodomites get all the rights
We fall for fights with fisticuffs
Get pissed enough to miss the bus
It disgusts me to see my folks run up on
I say stand upon a section of time call of Revelations
And recognize this mind on the reality of horror
known as mankind
Jesus and his twelve disciples make thirteen
A righteous number of righteous men
Even Judas the Betrayer came true in the end
The Devil say the end is the beginning
They teach that we were the product of incest
Invest no level of self into their system of Paganomics
Stand with us and don't look back upon it
Just face this mindstate
Otherwise Babylon...

Digestion is physical as well as mental. #SouFood

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Heaven's Galaxy

Hey there everyone... Its been some time since I've shared my thoughts with you and the rest of the world via this page but I must say that I am very excited to get back to it! This evening I would like to share a poem with you all... This poem was actually written by my brother so I hope you digging it as much as I am. The title of this particular piece is called Heaven's Galaxy.
Feel Free To Respond & Leave Comments.

Heaven’s Galaxy

Bodies at play

Heat builds

Colors reveal

As light begins to radiate

Her essence giving in to me

Merging to build a beautiful nebula

A star filled system just for the two of us

Passionate radio waves scream out sounding like moans

While elements condense and drip like sweat

Engulfing our planetary bodies as we create this paradise

Astrally exposed from being the barer of her Ecstasy

Electromagnetic bandwidths slowly whispers each others name

Cosmic cravings to go deeper physically and metaphysically

Uncovers the beginning of the glorious celestial rebirth ahead

Galactic Eden

Time shift

Bodies build

As stars explode with passion

by Aarine Scott


Find this Mystery Man on Facebook by the name Shevy Santiago