This blog is dedicated to the expression of Creative Ideas, Pure Artistry, Abstract Thought, and of course Humor. It gives me the chance outside of my music to share my travel experiences in depth and my perspective on things I see in the World. Where Did Shevy Go? My guess is somewhere Out The Box... Welcome to

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Starring At Breast is Healthy!!

I'm not a fan of Fox news because of the way they attack President Obama but they officially out did themselves with this one. That's right fellas starring at women breast is healthy for you! LMAO Now I'm not sure what made someone want to do a study on such a thing but what is more interesting as you will see in the video is the guys that agreed not to look at breast for 5 years... WTH Im no perv walking around just searching for breast to stare at but to agree not to look at any for a 5 years is a titty bit much. lol

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