This blog is dedicated to the expression of Creative Ideas, Pure Artistry, Abstract Thought, and of course Humor. It gives me the chance outside of my music to share my travel experiences in depth and my perspective on things I see in the World. Where Did Shevy Go? My guess is somewhere Out The Box... Welcome to

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Come See Me Perform in Paradise!!!

Thanks to the big homie AJ (follow him on Twitter@AJAYATL ) I was able to perform in the Dominican Republic on Memorial Day Weekend last year. I must say that I had the time of my life out there. The people and the overall vibe was off the chain and lets not forget the resort is absolutely beautiful. Everything at the resort is comp... food & liquor which means all you need to do is pack your swimwear! In the words of Bart Scott "Can't Wait" to go back STUNT DOWN & FALL OUT. #LEGGO #TEAMDR

Click Here to Get Details to the Trip!

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Find this Mystery Man on Facebook by the name Shevy Santiago