This blog is dedicated to the expression of Creative Ideas, Pure Artistry, Abstract Thought, and of course Humor. It gives me the chance outside of my music to share my travel experiences in depth and my perspective on things I see in the World. Where Did Shevy Go? My guess is somewhere Out The Box... Welcome to

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

One Too Many Scoops...

Twitter user @SexiiNia uploaded a pic yesterday morning asking Slim Thug if he liked her new tattoo. To everyone’s surprise, the tattoo was an exact replica of Gucci Mane’s “ice cream” tattoo we previously reported to you last week. @SexiiNia evens has the word “brr” written across her tat and had her tattoo done at Houston’s “Tapout Tattooing.”

Since she uploaded the picture, the Net has been buzzing with the story. We’re wondering is this a real tattoo since many are questioning the authenticity of it.

(story comes by way of

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