This blog is dedicated to the expression of Creative Ideas, Pure Artistry, Abstract Thought, and of course Humor. It gives me the chance outside of my music to share my travel experiences in depth and my perspective on things I see in the World. Where Did Shevy Go? My guess is somewhere Out The Box... Welcome to

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I posted these videos to serve as inspiration to anyone that may be struggling with any aspect concerning the stage called life.  This is a shining example of how your desire to achieve your goals and dreams in life will eventually pay off by staying focused.  There is no question that even at 13 she had a great voice but being in front of the Apollo crowd at any age could make anyone nervous. Yet regardless of the boos she continued on... Moral of the story no matter how bad things may seem Dont Stop Fighting. Here she is years later and millions of albums later in front of that same crowd! ;-)

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